COVID — 19 Inspector
COVID 19 has affected many people in multiple ways. Some people have had a difficult time financially with multiple layoffs, mentally as well with being confined within your homes 24*7 has been very difficult to cope with.
In March of 2020 when we didn’t know much about this virus, the Indian Government took massive strides to improve research facilities so that we are more prepared as to what will happen next. One of the steps that the Government had taken was to organize a “COVID-19 Solution challenge” where creative and budding developer all across India came together to work on and solve issues related to COVID — 19. This is where we worked on a POC by the name “COVID-19 inspector”.
Ahead in the article I will talk about our project briefly and why we had chosen this topic.
The legacy systems or the trackers that are available shows the number of COVID -19 cases in a particular country or city. This sort of information no doubt is useful to keep a track of which are the most affected places, but what if a person wants to know whether a particular district or society or building is infected or not. What if the person wants to buy groceries from a shop and want to know whether that shop or supermarket was visited by an infected person or not? What if a person sitting at home want to know whether he visited a particular place which possibly could have been visited on the same day and same time by the infected person?
This is where our solution will come into frame, our solution provides the area and person to be quarantined based on COVID — 19 virus infected person’s past 14 days travel history, taken from Google maps.
Solutions :-
There are two use-cases that we have presented: -
- Tracking the places visited by the COVID — 19 patient –
In this use case we use the location history of the infected person (This information can be found in Once the user provides the location history, we will run our model and then the places the infected person has visited in the last 14 days will be added to the map.

The circles in Red, orange, amber, yellow mark the places visited by the infected person in the last 2 days, 4 days, 7 days and 14 days.
This view of the map can be seen by anybody sitting at home. He / she will know for instance the places travelled by an infected person in the last 14 days and make sure you are definitely not going to the red zones as that was very recently visited by infected person.
Furthermore, a report can be sent to the Police department of the neighbouring areas that will tell them the areas that need to be quarantined.
The snapshot of the result (that will be sent to the department) is shown below.

This will be a very handy insight for the Police department to quarantine the required places immediately.
2. In the second use case if a person tests positive for COVID-19, due to the incubation period of the virus, the infected person for the first 14 days might not be aware that he is carrying the virus and would end up meeting a lot of people and lead to transmitting the virus to people around him.

Looking at the travel history of the infected person, can be compared with the travel history of another person and if the infected person was lets say at a particular area or building or shop on 30th March at 8pm then all the people who have visited the above premise from 30th March 8pm to 30th March 9pm need to be quarantined immediately.
Some Requirements –
- Google location history access of infected person via Google takeout.
- Google map paid access for development.
- Software requirements — Python and relevant libraries
- Hardware requirement — Normal computer systems with any OS.